First Call for Papers
24th International Conference on "Lexis and Grammar"
14-18th September, 2005
organised by the University of Marne-la-Vallée
and the University of Central England in Birmingham
Purpose of the Conference
Over the past three years, interest in the development and use of language resources has increased dramatically and become a global concern. This interest is not confined to corpora, but extends to lexicons and grammars. The number of papers in international journals of computational linguistics dealing with linguistic resources has increased five-fold. Interaction between descriptive linguistics and language engineering is growing. For example, auto-documented XML formats for language resources are being upgraded to facilitate international standardisation; corpus-processing software systems are now available for both linguists and engineers to apply to real-world texts. Many software service providers seek to establish qualitatively and quantitatively sound language resources. An increasing number of computational linguists investigate lexis, grammar, and the interaction between them.
In this context, the Conference aims to bring together specialists in the construction of language resources, and computer scientists experienced in the processing of data. The conference particularly encourages submissions reporting research findings that are formalised to the point where they can be integrated into text processing applications, and submissions which describe resources such as grammars and electronic dictionaries that are constructed on a linguistic basis.
Conference languages are English and French.
The Conference is the 24th in an annual series which dates back to the first Conference (Colloque européen sur le lexique et la grammaire comparés) held in Palermo in 1981. In parallel with these Conferences, European (and later non-European) research teams have been constructing corpora and large-scale linguistic knowledge bases. Over 25 years, it has become progressively clear that these resources could usefully support computer applications for the processing of written text. This is the third time that the Conference has been held in the United Kingdom (the previous occasions being in Guernsey, 1998, and London, 2001).
Authors are invited to submit a 1-page abstract for a 20-minute
presentation followed by 10 minutes of discussion.
Submission: April 1st, 2005
Notification: May 2005
Conference dates: September 14-18, 2005
Scientific Committee
Mirella Conenna
Maxime Crochemore
Laurence Danlos
André Dugas
Annibale Elia
Jacqueline Giry-Schneider
Gaston Gross
Franz Guenthner
Tita Kyriacopoulou
Jacques Labelle
Béatrice Lamiroy
Éric Laporte
Christian Leclère
Peter Machonis
Denis Maurel
Annie Meunier
Christian Molinier
Mireille Piot
Elisabete Marques Ranchhod
Antoinette Renouf
Christian Leclère (University of Marne-la-Vallée, CNRS)
Antoinette Renouf (University of Central England, Birmingham)